My most recent gap is due to the fact that I just got home 2 weeks ago! This picture below is the beautiful view of the sunrise I saw on the way in to BWI. It was quite a site after a 14hr flight from Kuwait!

My last month of deployment, January, went very well as I wrapped things up at the Warrior Transition Program in Kuwait and completed my turnover with my relief. If you've followed my blog or talked with me about my deployment, you know that I had hoped to spend more of my deployment in Afghanistan, but I thank God for the opportunity to impact the lives of Sailors who were transitioning through WTP after tough deployments. Many came from combat trauma hospitals, detainee/detention facilities, and special operations commands, and almost all experienced some sort of combat action. By the way, let's keep praying for those still deployed in harms way.
So what have I been up to since I've been back home? Well of course I didn't even get out of the airport without a quick visit to my favorite AMERICAN burger joint...mmm...

One thing that both Julie and I were concerned and prayerful about was the way that our one year old daughter would respond to me, her dad, who she knew mostly through Skype...well, here's a pic of our reunion in the Norfolk airport...

Thank God for Skype! It took Tierzah about 5 minutes to warm up to me and over the last two weeks she has totally developed an attachment to her dear ole dad, which I love:) I'm convinced that she's buttering me up for a pony, a car, or a boyfriend:/
So this was our airport family reunion pic:) so awesome to have my girls back in my arms!

Julie and I had a chance to go on our first date in months, so naturally we went shooting:) haha! Don't yell at me, mom, it was her idea! That's right, I have the best wife ever...and she's a pretty good shot too:)

We've been having a blast since I've been home, and Julie continues to dazzle me with all of her knew and exciting gourmet dishes that she's been perfecting. Her latest experiment, which blew me away (no pun intended after the shooting range pic), was homemade sushi rolls! So good!

Besides eating like a king, I've also been doing a little shopping...

...cruiser or crotch rocket? Hmmm...

...I'll have to let you know how that turns out next month;)
Next month, Yes, that's right, I'm going to continue Chaplain Chronicles at a steady pace of one post per month! :)
Next month I'll share how things have been going as I get aquatinted with my knew role and responsibilities at the Ministry Center here in Norfolk.
May God bless you and yours!
-Posted from my iPhone