If you've been keeping up, you know that I had my two weeks of R&R this month. This a short break in a long deployment which can be awesome and terrible all at the same time. Awesome because its an opportunity for service members and their families to catch their breath in the middle of a deployment, terrible because it's SO hard to come home after several months knowing that you have to turn around and complete several more months.
People have different theories about the timing of ones R&R, whether it's better to take it in the beginning, middle, or end of deployment. Certainly each option has pros and cons. Julie and I elected to take two weeks just past our halfway point. No particular reason, it just worked out with our vacation reservations.
We had an Awesome time, but after 15 amazing days at home the fun must come to an end. Honestly, its pretty tough so far and I'm just in the airport waiting to fly out to Kuwait:/ I'm sure that once Julie and I slip back into our daily routines the time will fly...we hope:)
I certainly feel more refreshed and energized to get back to work in Kuwait. Seeing Julie and my daughter, Tierzah definitely helped to recharge my batteries. It's gonna be tough but I only have four months left and then Julie and I will be looking at a long deployment free stretch:)
So what did we do on this awesome amazing two week R&R? Glad you asked...I have pictures!
This was our hotel/resort at National Harbor, across the River from D.C.

View of D.C. (Washington Monument center-top) from National Harbor

View of Woodrow Wilson Bridge from National Harbor.

Sushi in Old Town Alexandria.

And of course we rented a Harley for the day...more pics to come on Julie's Facebook:) That was SO much fun!

Took a river tour of D.C.

Gave Tierzah a $400 chew toy. She liked it. Thanks Otter!

Jogged along the Potomac River with Julie:)

Had our first family photo shoot in Baltimore.

Had my first tea party with Tierzah!

Saw rain for the first time in 6 months.

Went to see Les Mis at the Kennedy Center! Amazing!

So you can see we stayed pretty busy, but we cherished every moment and had a blast!
I thank God for my beautiful family and pray He brings me safely home to them.
Stay tuned for November's post. I'll let you know how Julie and I are doing in the second half of the deployment:)