I'm so thankful for all of the good people that I work with, and for the love from so many back home. I think having a good support network can make or break any deployment.
Julie and I have once again realized that our marriage has depths that we never could have imagined, and perhaps never would have known if not for these deployments. Being apart from your spouse is difficult to say the least, but God is faithful and when we are weak, He remains strong. This truth has become an anchor for Julie and I during these times apart. We've learned to support and encourage one another, but to ultimately look to Christ for our daily needs.
I've been keeping busy here in Kuwait at the Warrior Transition Program. We've processed almost every Sailor leaving Iraq as operations there come to an end, and we continue to process Sailors leaving from Afghanistan. In counseling with them I'm reminded again and again of the sacrifices so many men and women of the armed forces make for the cause of freedom. Next time you see one of them, look them in the eye and thank them for their service.
So what else have I been up to?

We had a little Thanksgiving 5k run to make room for turkey and gravy, but we didn't have turkey...

...that's right, Thanksgiving BBQ! I must say, this might be my new Thanksgiving tradition:) It was a blast and the ribs were A-MA-ZING!

Also, I learned about a wood hobby shop here on the base which provides all the lumber and power tools you need to build whatever you can dream up. Awesome! So I started with a fairly simple project, a cutting board for the house. Not too shabby:)

This was just a cool pic from a drive to a neighboring camp here in Kuwait. Not exactly a winter wonderland:/ But hey, maybe I'll be home time to see some snow:)
So I have about six more weeks out here, then back to Norfolk. I'm trying not to "watch the water boil," but I'm pretty excited to get home to my beautiful wife and precious baby girl!
Please pray for me and my family as we will be apart for the rest of this Holiday Season, and we will be sure to pray for you and yours.
God Bless!